Neon Paradise

About The Comic

Neon Paradise

In the future there are two levels of Neon Paradise, A mega city, home over 40 million people. Those who live in the towers above, in the sun are worth trillians of dollars. The people down below live and work in the factories. The tall building keep most of the poor working class protected from the elements but often go without direct sunlight for weeks.


Penelope our a working class hero working and living in the bustling and vibrant city of Neon Paradise. Penelope is hardworking and determined but a complete shit talker and jokster. She has a thing for tall women and is contently flirting. She serves up gross cheap slop meals to the constant stream of shoppers, tourists, and weirdos.


Penelope is muscular and short with full lips and striking figure, with her shaved head and dark skin.

Dav5 (Dave)

Dav5 serves as the moral compass to Penelope. A recycled trashbot who though seems alive is very much not. He’s constantly looking out for the best insterests of Penelope but is also an expert marksman and driver. He often wears a cartoony mask to cover his very mechanical face as he thinks it makes him look more friendly. Sometime that makes him look quite deranged.


Yellow and Black humanoid robot with a happy face mask. Dav5 has 3 arms, 1 on the left, 2 on the right. Sometimes dave wears pants to try and look more human.

Jesus Jones

Jesus is Penelope’s younger brother. He’s often getting into trouble. Penelope and Dav5 are often bailing him out of one situation or another. Jesus constantly ends up in hot water for running his mouth to the wrong people, especially when high, which is most of the time.

Inspite of all of his flaws, Jesus looks out for the little guy and trys his best to protect everyone.


Jesus has short spiky hair and is very tall. A small gotee on his chin. Often seen wearing a beatup old trechcoat covered in holes.